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Oslo Metropolitan University is Norway's third largest university with almost 22,000 students and over 2,500 employees. We have campuses in central Oslo and at Romerike. OsloMet educates students and conducts research that contributes to the sustainability of the Norwegian welfare state and the metropolitan region.
The Faculty of Technology, Art and Design (TKD) offers higher education and research and development (R&D) activities within technical subjects, arts and design. The Faculty has approximately 4.000 students and 400 staff members and is situated at Pilestredet Campus in downtown Oslo and at Kjeller Campus in Viken.
The Department of Computer Science offers three bachelor’s degree programmes, a master’s degree programme, and is part of a cross-departmental PhD program. Academic staff at the department are pursuing research in a wide range of areas including computer science, the natural sciences, and innovation and management. Both students and researchers are also involved in an increasing number of interdisciplinary initiatives across the university.
A Postdoctoral Fellow position in the field of Quantum Computing (QC) is offered for a period of two years, with a possible extension for another year, at the Department of Computer Science at Oslo Metropolitan University.
The candidate will be affiliated to the Department of Computer Science and to the Mathematical Modelling group, working within the new initiative the OsloMet Quantum Hub.
Quantum Computing (QC) is now recognized as an emerging disruptive technology with potentially strong impact on society. QC also has a wide range of benefits for individual societal members, not only for law enforcement agencies and commercial enterprises. The societal implications of QC need to be considered by all society members, as the main stakeholders. Thus, there is a growing need to increase the level of quantum literacy and bridge the gap between society and Quantum Technologies. The OsloMet Quantum Hub is planned to be the main contributor to the solution of this problem in Norway and the leading national QC environment, both in education, research, and outreach
The candidate will be involved in research that is focusing on developing methodology to address problems of Applied Quantum Computing, which includes implementations of quantum algorithms on the existing cloud-accessible QC platforms, such as D-Wave annealer and Rigetti gate-based prototypes (through the Amazon Bracket service). Additionally, the candidate will be responsible for maintenance, operation, and realization of experiments on our two quantum computers (with two and three qubits, respectively), both based on NMR technology.
Research on Applied Quantum Computing Conduct experiments on QCs accessible through cloud-based platform (such as Amazon Bracket and IBM Quantum) Conduct experiment on OsloMet’s two NMR-based quantum computers and be responsible for their maintenance Participate in supervision of MSc students Disseminate the projects results and outcome through appropriate channels Contribute to the interaction with the Quantum Hub members and partners
General criteria for appointments to academic positions are covered by the Forskrift om ansettelsesvilkår for stillinger som postdoktor, stipendiat, vitenskapelig assistent og spesialistkandidat.
It is important to OsloMet to reflect the population of our region, and all qualified candidates are welcome to apply. We make active efforts to further develop OsloMet as an inclusive workplace and to adapt the workplace if required. You are also welcomed to apply for a position with us if you have experienced periods where you have not been in work, education or training.
If you would like to apply for the position, you must do so electronically through our recruitment system.
You will be assessed by an Expert Committee. You must upload the following documents with the application within the application deadline:
We only process applications sent via our electronic recruitment system and all documents must be uploaded for your application to be processed. The documents must be in either English or a Scandinavian language. Translations must be authorised. Original documents and valid passport must be presented if you are invited for an interview. OsloMet performs document checks in order to give you as a candidate a proper evaluation and ensure fair competition.
If you have documents that cannot be uploaded electronically, please contact
Before submitting the application documents to the Expert Committee, all applications will be reviewed by the faculty and applicants who do not meet the formal qualification requirements will not be submitted for assessment.
OsloMet has adhered to the principles in the DORA declaration and obliged the institution to follow the recommendations in this declaration.
OsloMet’s International Career Site gives information on living and working in Oslo.
If you would like more information about the position, feel free to contact the leaders of the OsloMet Quantum Hub:
The position is remunerated in accordance with the Basic Collective Agreement for the Civil Service and OsloMets salary policy, job code 1352 Postdoctoral Research Fellow. The salary is NOK 553 500 -714 000 per year, salary scale 60 -74. A higher salary may be considered for particularly well qualified applicants.
If you wish to apply for the position, please do so via our application portal.
All applications must be submitted in English or Scandinavian language.
The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants, and the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology.
Deadline for applications: 10.03.2023
Ref.: 23/00250
Type of employment | Fixed-term post |
Contract type | Full time |
Salary | Stillingen lønnes i henhold til Statens lønnsregulativ |
Number of positions | 1 |
Full-time equivalent | 100% |
City | Oslo |
County | Oslo |
Country | Norway |
Reference number | 23/00250 |
Contact |
Published | 13.Jan.2023 |
Last application date | 10.Mar.2023 11:59 PM CET |