Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap (SAM), Institutt for journalistikk og mediefag

OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet er Norges tredje største universitet med nesten 22 000 studenter og over 2500 ansatte. Vi har campus i Oslo sentrum og på Romerike. OsloMet leverer forskning og utdanning med høy relevans for arbeidslivet, velferdsstaten og storbyregionen.

Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap tilbyr utdanninger på alle gradsnivåer, samt årsstudier, videreutdanninger og oppdragsundervisning. Fakultetet har et aktivt forskningsmiljø. Det er om lag 280 tilsatte og rundt 4400 studenter knyttet til fakultetet, som holder til i Pilestredet i Oslo sentrum.

Institutt for journalistikk og mediefag har om lag 530 studenter og 30 faglig tilsatte. Vi holder til i Pilestredet 48, Eva Balkes Hus. Instituttet tilbyr bachelorstudier i fotojournalistikk, journalistikk samt medier og kommunikasjon, I tillegg tilbyr vi et fagforfatterstudium (årsstudium) og et masterstudium i journalistikk.

The Department of Journalism and Media Studies has a vacancy for an Associate Professor in AI journalism.

During 2021-22, the Artificial Intelligence Lab (AI lab) at the Department of information technology (TKD) and the Department of Journalism and Media Studies (JM) obtained external funding from multiple sources to finance R&D projects in AI journalism.

The funds will be used to establish a resource center for data journalism that should assist journalists working with investigative journalism contribute to giving computer scientists a better understanding of journalistic working methods contribute to journalism education and research.

The Associate Professor will be expected to have a strong background in data journalism, as well as a record of research and teaching excellence, with a focus on practice-based research. This position will provide an opportunity to shape the field of data journalism at Oslo Metropolitan University and make a significant impact on the education of future journalists.

Tasks and responsibilities:

  • teaching courses in AI journalism, including both undergraduate and graduate level courses.
  • developing and expanding the field of AI journalism at the university through the creation of new academic programs and research initiatives.
  • communicating with AI journalists and media professionals in order to stay current on industry developments and to foster partnerships for research projects.
  • coordinating and leading practice-based research projects, with a focus on developing new methodologies in AI journalism, preferably in collaboration with media organizations and AI journalists.
  • conducting original research on AI in journalism, and publishing findings in academic journals and other outlets.
  • participating in departmental and university-wide committees and initiatives.
  • advising students on research projects and career development in AI journalism.
  • lead research applications and other income-generating activities to maintain and develop further AI journalism activities at OsloMet.

  Qualification requirements

The ranking of qualified applicants is based on scientific merits, but teaching experience is also important together with personal qualities and suitability for the position.

We only consider recent publications and the potential for future publications of high-quality research.

Applicants must have:

  • Ph.D in data/AI science, neuroscience or a similar field
  • strong and verified background in Artificial Intelligence
  • experience working as a journalist or knowledge of the media business from the inside
  • strong team working skills
  • have good teaching skills
  • proficiency in oral and written English is required.

The applicant must document relevant practical pedagogical education for higher education. Applicants without relevant practical pedagogical education is obliged to complete OsloMet's pedagogical program within two years of taking up the position.

The applicant must document relevant educational competence in accordance with OsloMet’s Guidelines for the assessment of educational competence at OsloMet.

Applicants who do not have adequate proficiency in Norwegian or another Scandinavian language,shall be offered Norwegian courses, and must acquire Norwegian skills corresponding to at least level B2 within three years of appointment.

OsloMet evaluates teaching qualifications in conjunction with interviews.

General criteria for appointments to academic positions are covered by the Regulations for appointment and promotion to academic posts.

The position may be subject to the Security Act, the Export Control Act and/or the Sanctions Act. Security clearance, export licence and/or prior approval according to relevant legislation may be a prerequisite for taking up and maintaining the position.

Desired experiences

  • experience working with data journalism specifically
  • strong publication record in relevant fields
  • experience leading research projects or teams
  • familiarity with industry-standard tools and techniques for data journalism and data visualization.
  • experience with research networks and externally funded projects
  • potential for project acquisition
  • teaching and supervision experience from different degree levels
  • capability in communicating and cooperating with students and colleagues
  • personal qualities that contribute positively to the working environment

We offer

  • an exciting job opportunity at Norway’s third largest and most urban university
  • participation in research groups
  • opportunities for academic development in a professional research environment
  • interaction with a diverse student group
  • opportunities for professional Beneficial pension arrangements with the Norwegian State Pension Fund  
  • beneficial welfare schemes and a wide range of sports and cultural offers
  • free Norwegian language classes to employees
  • working location in downtown Oslo with multiple cultural offers

It is important for OsloMet to reflect the population of our region, and all qualified candidates are welcome to apply. We make active endeavours to further develop OsloMet as an inclusive workplace and to adapt the workplace if required. If there are periods where you have not been in work, under education or in training, you are also welcome to apply.

Practical information about relocation to Oslo and living in Norway

Application process

 Applicants will be assessed by an expert committee. By the application deadline, please upload the following documents together with your application:

  • application letter
  • cv, references and all pages of your certificates/diplomas
  • a list of scientific publications/working papers
  • full text version of up to 10 scientific publications, including your PhD thesis
  • two references with contact information
  • documentation of educational competence including a profiling document

We only consider applications submitted through our electronic recruitment system, and all documents must be uploaded for your application to be considered. The documents must be in a Scandinavian language or English. Translations must be authorized, and you will be asked to present originals if you are invited for an interview. OsloMet verifies documents to give candidates a proper evaluation and ensure fair competition. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Before the application papers are forwarded to the expert committee, all applications will be reviewed by the faculty. Applications from applicants who do not meet the formal qualification requirements will not be forwarded for assessment.

If you have documents that cannot be uploaded electronically, please contact hanne.landen@oslomet.no

The position is remunerated in accordance with the Basic Collective Agreement for the Civil Service and OsloMets salary policy for position 1011 associate professor.  . The salary is NOK 615 700 – 745 000 per year. A higher salary may be considered for particularly well-qualified applicants.

Background check may be carried out.


For more information about the position, feel free to contact:

  • Professor Roy Krøvel, +47 67 23 83 27, roy.krovel@oslomet.no
  • Associate professor, Anders Graver Knudsen, +47 67 23 83 34,  anders-graver.knudsen@oslomet.no

If you wish to apply for the position, please do so via our application portal.

Deadline for applications: 22.03.2023

Ref.: 23/00905

OsloMet has implemented the Charter & Code and is certified to use the HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R) logo by the European Commission.

 OsloMet is a member of the EU Researchers in Motion network Euraxess.


Ansettelsestype Fast stilling
Arbeidstid Heltid
Tiltredelse by appointment
Lønn NoK 615 700 - 745 000 per year
Antall ledige stillinger 1
Arbeidsomfang 100%
Sted Oslo
Fylke Oslo
Land Norge
Referansenummer 23/00905
  • Anders Graver Knudsen, +4790747539
  • Roy Krøvel , +4791754425
Publisert 01.06.2023
Søknadsfrist 23.06.2023

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