Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, Department of Art, Design and Drama

Oslo Metropolitan University is Norway's third largest university with 23,000 students and over 2,600 employees. We have campuses in central Oslo and at Romerike. OsloMet educates students and conducts research that contributes to the sustainability of the Norwegian welfare state and the metropolitan region.

The Faculty of Technology, Art and Design (TKD) offers higher education and research and development (R&D) activities within technical subjects, arts and design. The Faculty has approximately 4.000 students and 400 staff members and is situated at Pilestredet Campus in downtown Oslo and at Kjeller Campus in Viken.

The Department of Art, Design and Drama (EST) is developing rapidly and is facing exciting changes in the next few years. The department has approximately 900 students and 58 employees. We offer study programmes at bachelor's and master's level in design, arts and crafts, drama and theatre communication, art dissemination, and fashion and production.

In addition, we have a new PhD program: Innovation for sustainability, and number of further education programmes and practical pedagogical programmes in design, arts and crafts and drama and theatre communication. Most of the study programmes have an element of outreach practical training as an integral part. The department has four research groups and a high level of activity in external activities. This is affiliated with the department's unit for lifelong learning

At the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, Department of Art, Design and Drama, there is a 100% permanent position as Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in Textiles, Form and Materials.

The position is related to teaching and supervision at the five-year Teacher Education in Practical and Aesthetic Subjects for Years 1 – 13, Design, Arts and Crafts; Master of Aesthetic Practices in Society and practical pedagogy in Art and design Didactics.  
A smaller part of the position may be directed to courses within the Bachelor Degree in Fashion and Industry and externally funded activities related to the subject area. The Teacher Education in Practical and Aesthetic Subjects for Years 1 – 13, Design, Arts and Crafts, has been developed in line with national guidelines and started in the autumn of 2022.

The position may be assigned program and course responsibility. 

The position is related to teaching and supervision in practical and creative work in textiles, form and two- and three-dimensional materials, as it appears in the curricula for primary and secondary education. 
Central to the position is teaching in design processes and idea development, as well as academic and subject didactic reflection in the breadth of the textile field. This ranges from traditional to innovative techniques for joining and processing textile materials in two- and three-dimensional form, and from the preservation of red-listed craft techniques to textiles as contemporary art.

The study programs focus on the development of a sustainable, democratic and diverse society. Teaching and supervision will take place largely in workshops and classrooms.  The academic environment has a nationally leading position in teacher education in design, arts and crafts. Through participation in networks and arranging research conferences, this academic community has also distinguished itself internationally.


Tasks and responsibilities

  • Teach and supervise students in textiles, form and materials
  • Course responsibility and workshop responsibility
  • Assist in development of didactic, artistic and/or teacher-related processes at the department
  • Participate in research groups at the department and work on applying for external funding
  • Exchange experience and collaborate in teams and with other colleagues
  • Contribute actively and participate in research activities and externally funded activities nationally and internationally


Qualification requirements

The requirements for both positions are:

  • Written and oral proficiency in Norwegian or another Scandinavian language, and English.

Applicants who do not have an adequate proficiency in Norwegian or another Scandinavian language, shall be offered Norwegian courses, and must acquire Norwegian skills corresponding to at least level B2 within three years of appointment.

The requirements for a position of Associate Professor are:

  • doctoral degree (PhD) or equivalent within textiles, form and materials

The applicant must document relevant educational competence in accordance with OsloMet’s Guidelines for the assessment of educational competence at OsloMet.

The requirements for a position of Senior Lecturer are:

  • Documented extensive research and development work corresponding in quality and scope to the workload and level of a PhD thesis within textiles, form and materials


  • Documented extensive artistic development work corresponding in quality and scope to the workload and level of a PhD thesis within textiles, form and materials


  • Considerable importance shall be attached to specific qualifications within teaching or other educational activities


  • Documented competence in relevant educational theory and practice based on training and experience or on teaching and supervision.


Great emphasis will be placed on:

  • Knowledge of textiles, form and materials as a school subject and as a subject didactic research field
  • Knowledge related to innovation, research and teaching in design, arts and crafts in a Sustainable and social ethical perspective
  • Experience with teaching and supervision from primary and/or secondary school
  • Ability to vary teaching methods, including digital methods
  • National and international network

General criteria for appointment to teaching and research positions are set out in the Forskrift til universitets- og høyskoleloven (universitets- og høyskoleforskriften).


Personal qualities necessary for the position

  • Innovative, professionally committed and enterprising
  • Ability to collaborate and build relationships
  • Ability to listen and be curious about change
  • Structured and solution-focused
  • Values teamwork and professional development work

Emphasis will be placed on personal suitability

OsloMet can carry out testing of teaching qualifications in connection with interviews.

It is important for OsloMet to reflect the population in our region and we welcome all qualified applicants. We work actively to develop further as an inclusive workplace and professional community, and to facilitate the workplace if you feel the need for such. If you have periods in your life where you have not been in a job, or actively involved in education or training, you are also welcome to apply with us.


Application process

You will be assessed by an expert committee. Please upload the following documents together with your application by the application deadline:

  • Application letter
  • CV, reference letters, and all pages of certificates/diplomas
  • Complete list of publications
  • Up to 10 scholarly works and with an overview, including PhD dissertation if relevant
  • Two references with contact information

For Associate Professor:

  • Documentation of educational competence including a profiling document

For Senior Lecturer:

  • Documented relevant practical pedagogic competency based on education or teaching and supervision.

For applicants who cannot document competence within teaching in higher education have to develop this deficit within two years from accession. OsloMet offers courses in teaching and learning in higher education which covers this requirement.

We only consider applications submitted through our electronic recruitment system, and all documents must be uploaded for your application to be considered. The documents must be in a Scandinavian language or English. Translations must be authorized, and you will be asked to present originals if you are invited for an interview. OsloMet verifies documents to give candidates a proper evaluation and ensure fair competition. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Before the application papers are forwarded to the expert committee, all applications will be reviewed by the faculty. Applications from applicants who do not meet the formal qualification requirements will not be forwarded for assessment.

A background check may be conducted to verify information in submitted CVs and available documents. Background checks are not conducted without the consent of the applicant and relevant applicants will receive further information about this.


We offer

  • Interesting assignments at Norway's third largest and most urban university
  • Participation in a research group and a creative and inspiring academic environment
  • Time for research and development related to the position · Loan and pension terms in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
  • Flexible working hours and good welfare schemes

As an applicant, you will be assessed by an expert committee. Prior to submission of the application papers to the expert committee, all applications will be reviewed by the faculty and applications from non-qualified applicants will not be submitted for consideration.

The salary for the position is in accordance with the Basic Collective Agreements in the state and OsloMet's salary policy in position code 1198 Senior Lecturer / 1011 Associate Professor, corresponding to NOK 615 700 – 745 000 per year. A 2% pension contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (SPK) is deducted from the salary. For particularly qualified applicants, a higher salary may be considered.


Other information

If you would like further information about the position, please contact:

  • Head of Studies Petter William Hansen, tel.: 67 23 54 19
  • Head of Department Liv Klakegg Dahlin, phone: 99 71 71 99


Application deadline: 

Ref. No.: 24/26850

Type of employment Permanent position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment As agreed upon
Salary In accordance with the government's salary scale
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Oslo
County Oslo
Country Norway
Reference number 24/26850
  • Liv Klakegg Dahlin, 99717199
  • Petter William Hansen, 67235419
Published 31.Jan.2025
Last application date 14.Mar.2025 11:59 PM CET
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